Monday, January 14, 2008

Watch out for new Trojan

A new trojan virus Symantic antivirus has dubbed Trojan.Silentbanker has hit the internet. If you bank online this is definitely something to watch out for. According to PC World this virus silently redirects banking data and sends it to the attackers account. So your making a transaction thinking it is being sent to where you are directing it but it is actually being sent to the attacker. Symantic has dubbed this a low level threat and stated it is easy to remove but that it is a danger because of it's ability to work without being detected. I would recommend doing an updated virus scan before doing any banking business online as well as after. That is what I intend to do.
For more information check out the Symantic website for updates or instructions on how to get rid of this trojan.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Britney Just your average housewife?

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin, Rollers! Has the 50's housewife look come back into season? Right now the pop star doesn't look so glamorous. According to the latest celebrity news she is planning to marry photographer Adnan Ghalib, convert to the Islam religion, and move to Pakistan. Maybe this look is in style there? Maybe with her 3rd marriage she is planning on having a few more kids and settling down to be an average housewife. If we didn't already know Britney was a crazy Hollywood diva she's also interested in Scientology. She'll definitely fit right in with loony Tom Cruise and company.

Dragons, Fire, and Vista oh my!

I just got the new Windowblinds 6.0 and it rocks. They have this skin called Molten that has this awesome animated fire and dragon at the top of the start menu. Plus it has flowing lave down the right side of the start menu and in the title bars.

I'm a sucker for themes and since I bought Vista Home premium back in January most of my themes I had didn't work and there hasn't been a plethora of really good ones for Vista unless you had Ultimate and were able to use dreamscenes animated wallpaper. I can't wait to see what other animated themes people come up with for this.

I spend alot of time on my computer and every couple months I want a new look. I can spend hours looking for themes, logons, skins for firefox and my desktop sidebar. I think I will be happy with this theme for quite awhile though as it absolutely rocks.

Check out Windowblinds 6 from and look at the Molten theme. It is a program you have to buy but you can trial it free for 30 days and see if ya like it or not. You can also see a you tube video showing it here

It's a dogs world

Have you ever seen a fifteen pound Pomeranian hanging by a 100 pound Rottweilers ear? I've gotta tell ya it is one of the funniest sights I've ever seen. We have 3 dogs ruling our house right now. The female Rotti named Nika, A male Pomeranian named Alex, and a little Toy Pom named Louis Vuitton.

Alex and Nika play together and she lets him hang off her ears and jowls without a care. She is so gentle with him too. I was very surprised with how gentle she could be with him. She must know he would break easily even though she's just a puppy herself.

Everyday is an adventure with my dogs. You think you've seen it all and then you get up, get some caffeine and stand at the patio door only to see a little dog hanging from a Rott's ear flying around the backyard.

My Zimbio
KudoSurf Me!